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Anonymous commented at 2012-12-15 08:25:22 » #1224701

Kon is a lucky bastard!

44 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-19 14:20:42 » #1227637

i wish my cock could live inside her tight little asshole O_O

45 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-20 04:22:53 » #1228071

Anon 2... that's a boy.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-12-31 17:32:46 » #1235738

lol funny pic. The dude thats kissing "her" ass is stoned.

10 Points Flag
REKM commented at 2013-01-12 05:28:14 » #1244049

No, she's not a boy, she's a newhalf. In canon, she willingly refers to and sees herself as a woman. She, like any MtF trans person should be referred to as a woman. This isn't yaoi either, you're not gay for liking newhalfs, and to call yourself gay for liking a newhalf is extremely insulting and damaging to that individual. And in many if not all cases, the word trap is also inappropriate language for obvious reasons.

53 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-12 21:58:44 » #1244589

A trap baits you with something you want then springs something you didn't on you. If you came for pussy and got cock, that's a trap. Period.

That said, I'd throw myself into *that* trap faster than a suicidal mouse and never look back.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-21 16:24:24 » #1250402

So it's not gay for me to want to enjoy her cock?!?

27 Points Flag
Daijin commented at 2013-01-21 19:09:46 » #1250485

Doesn't matter how a fictional character refers to him or herself, the character is a male and is tagged as such. The newhalf tag has nothing to do with gender but outward appearance.

14 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-02 04:28:36 » #1257815

Nope! It's only natural, anon.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-03-21 09:52:44 » #1287173

If a newhalf sees it as offensive to be called a man, sorry, no offense meant. But what else makes somebody a man or a woman, but what is physically visible. It's not breasts, otherwise that would mean those with a flat chest wouldn't be women. And it can't be will that determines gender, otherwise what's the point. You may say: "it's so gender roles can be decided." and that is probably the only reason I can think of anyways. If that is it, then the whole idea of gender roles is flawed. 1. If somebody can just willfully exclude themselves from it or will the results to change, and have them change simply due to that will, then calling yourself a boy or a girl has no real meaning. It also subconsiously furthers a condemnation of others while pushing for an excuse from the rules. So a man who wants to dress like a girl, or have hobbies typically held by women, or think of himself as generally feminine, may try to excuse himself by saying he is a woman, but subconsiously at least, he is condemning others who may not have that excuse, and deep down, he is condemning himself, without even knowing about it. Reason being is that the difference between right and wrong is harm, wrong is something that harms another in their life. Right doesn't need an excuse, a change in scenario, wrong does, wrong needs individual justifications and excuses. Take killing for instance, killing is wrong, but killing in self-defense is okay. I don't believe crossdressing is wrong, I don't believe acting differently from your peers is wrong, I don't believe thinking of yourself as feminine as a man or masculine as a woman is wrong. Apparently those that try to circumvent, while keeping in place gender roles do. They apparently see themselves as in the wrong, unless they change the gender they are.

2. the reason the idea of gender roles are flawed: They're arbitrary anyways. Calling yourself a boy or a girl serves a purpose, basically to shorten from "I have a penis" to boy, and "I have a vagina" to girl. But gender roles don't, they're just boys should do this, and girls should do that, they're just boys should look like this and girls should look like that. Things of that sort don't really serve a purpose, but to control people. And when somebody goes agains that, while at the same time, making an excuse, they aren't saying "I am proud of who I am, and will live how I want." "They are saying "these arbitrary rules are justified, and I endorce it, though I want to be excused from it."

So gender roles are stupid, but we need a way to identify genders. If people will change their gender, then genders themselves become useless, because the only purpose they had has been circumvented. So mariandale, while very sexy(though I'm not a big fan of boobs), is still a man, and a trap. You can't will change your biological gender any more than I can will change the color of my hair to red. And I don't see gender as something to discriminate over. It's like hair color or skin color, or eye color. It's just a biological indicator, and doesn't determine who you are. You can change it, but not by will alone. And boobs don't determine sex, due to the flat-chested factor. You may say preop, I say man until vagina, woman until penis."

20 Points Flag