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Xima commented at 2008-05-14 11:34:09 » #6623

What the-? A Beholder? I've never seen one of those in Oblivion! What, is it in an expansion or something? Because I'm pretty sure I tore that game a new ass.

4 Points Flag
InvaderJim42 commented at 2008-05-14 12:56:29 » #6625

SWEET JESUS A BEHOLDER!! Now all we need is an Illithid, and shitloads of deep cavernous dungeons to crawl and I'd be in heaven! I LOVE THE UNDERDARK!!

5 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2008-05-14 15:16:19 » #6630

Hah. Yes, Underdark=love. What was the name of those drow/spider hybrid things again? Those things scared the shit out of me when I was younger. (Still do, but that kinda goes away once I tear them apart) But the point still stands. I can ignore the lacey little lady over there, but there were NO Beholders in Oblivion. Did they appear in the Shivering Isles expansion or something? Something I always disliked about the Underdark creatures was that some of them didn't seem to have any way of seeing in the dark. Like, heat-sensing pits are pretty fuckin' useless in a freezing cold underground cavern, amirite? Seriously. I want to see some creepy, fishlike monsters based off deep sea creatures like Anglerfish in those dungeons.

0 Points Flag
InvaderJim42 commented at 2008-05-14 20:51:28 » #6637

Those hybrid drow/spider were called Driders. And they were Drow who really pissed off their goddess and got turned into Driders.

3 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2008-05-14 21:26:57 » #6638

Yeah, there we go. Reminds me of this godawful fanfic where Ranma of Ranma 1/2 fame decided to go "I hate life D:", cut his wrists, his emo-ness somehow teleporting him into the Underdark where he proceeded to get turned into a Drider, fucking SPIT in one of the temples of said Goddess and then like... NOT lose against the entire fucking colony of the things and then TAKE OVER THE FUCKING WORLD. In about a day. Needless to say, that got a nice big "D:" out of me. I remember playing Neverwinter Nights at my cousin's house when I stayed there for a week or so for another cousin's wedding. Damn, that thing was fun. I got to play Morrowind over there, too. The man has impeccable taste in gaming.

0 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2008-05-14 21:30:31 » #6639

Oh, and did I forget to mention that I love Illithids, or pretty much any tentacle-face thing? Cthulhu is love. But seriously, Mind Flayers are glorious. OM NOM NOM BRAINZ.

2 Points Flag
InvaderJim42 commented at 2008-05-15 12:26:41 » #6676

That reminds me; I can't wait until Spore comes out, so I can make as many tentacled monstrosities as my heart desires. Sadly, if you say 'tentacles' to anyone even remotely familiar with anime and they immediately think of tentacle rape. Not all tentacled things are interested in rape. Illithids, for example, just want to eat your brains, enslave your race, and ruin all your shit. Oh, and merge with the Elder Brain when they die.

1 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2008-05-15 13:09:13 » #6684

That makes me think of Lamprey penis. Which makes me think of the picture of a furry Lamprey Eel holding a sign that says "I give great head". Which makes me lawl hard each time. And don't forget hunting Githyanki and Githzerai.

And speaking of which Jim, do you play D&D at all? I'm STILL looking for a group. Seriously, I've been looking for months, but apparently the world goes "fuck you" about D&D groups around here that join up more than like once every half a fucking year for like an hour. Anyways, if you do, could you invite me, by any chance? An utterly green Halfling Rogue, yes, but eager to learn! Or, y'know, at least a D&D based RP of some sort? :/ THAT I'm good at. About 8 years of experience under my belt.

1 Points Flag
Xima commented at 2008-05-15 13:24:28 » #6685

Actually, no. That'd just be rude. Let me rephrase that. Could you direct me to the site, or whatever?

0 Points Flag
InvaderJim42 commented at 2008-05-15 14:25:00 » #6688

Alas, I am a D&D noob. I'm absolutely fascinated by the monsters and settings and shit, but I know of nobody in my area who could even teach me to play... it blows.

0 Points Flag