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Anonymous commented at 2013-04-16 21:17:26 » #1303935

think I need to add a personal tag. cum_on_ass tag.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-21 11:34:29 » #1364233

truly great hentai creates a strong emotional response in the viewer that hits home as vividly as the most captivating of all man-made images in the world that are regarded not just as "art," but as what's commonly referred to by most people as "legitimate art."

we attach a lot of importance to "legitimate art" for its ability to communicate complex ideas to the viewer. the inheritance of these values is most commonly an experience that's "superior" to the "mere" pleasures of "lower" forms of art (folk art. pop art, comics, pornography, etc.). why is this?

why shouldn't pieces like this hang in museums?

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