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Anonymous commented at 2013-04-20 17:13:57 » #1306090

Why is the idea of taking someone else's women and making her a pet so arousing to me?


25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-01 19:03:47 » #1312829

according to this picture, it means you're a really fat guy

21 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-10-16 06:55:18 » #2175779

You only think that cuz you can only see things through your loser wish-fulfillment lens. Netorare fetish has nothing to do with wish-fulfillment, its quite the opposite. Not even real fat ugly guys like to identify with fat ugly characters, everyone likes to think themselves as the "badass" protagonist, cuz of you know, wish-fulfillment. This is why there are few ugly protagonists despite most people in the world being ugly.

1 Points Flag