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Anonymous commented at 2013-04-14 06:06:25 » #1302441

An anime version by a porn artist and she still somehow looks less slutty than the comic book starfire.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-04-17 00:08:22 » #1304017

So, according to annon#1 this is some kind of paradox!

8 Points Flag
zomgpingas commented at 2013-05-03 12:50:16 » #1313967

You know I'm finding this Starfire is a "slut" thing really stupid. She's an alien from another planet, she comes from a different culture that is less up tight about sex, sexual expression or nudity taboo. Something I wish we could learn to do instead of just calling someone names for not approaching sex the same way we do. Unless you're in it then it's none of you're business what others do in their bedroom with someone else cause they are not hurting you and you wouldn't even know what foes on in there unless they tell you.

And I hate how if we allowed a few women to act like everyone thinks all of them are gonna act like it. Um, no, it's called free will. Everyone is different and gonna make different choices. We allow a lot of guys to act like jackasses, do all of them act like jackasses? No.

God this is like going to a tribe in Africa and calling the women whores because they walk around topless.

1. They're not hurting anyone.

2. It's really hot over there and you want them to cover up?

3. They go about their lives normally, they don't make a big deal out of it. It's really sad when we "civilized" people get all worked up over it and third world people don't.

4. "Oh no think of the children". They're just boobs. They're just milk bags that exist to feed babies.

5. They're boobs, why would any man want them to cover up!?!!? I thought we were supposed to, you know, like boobs?

8 Points Flag
zomgpingas commented at 2013-05-03 12:55:42 » #1313970

Oh and of course her clothing standards are gonna be different, again she comes from a different culture.

6 Points Flag
zomgpingas commented at 2013-05-03 13:12:30 » #1313977

One last thing, I just love how everyone makes a big deal out of Starfire being a little fan servicey for guys (on a porn site no less) but no one screams explotiveness over Nightwing and his tight ass being invented solely as fan service for women and gay men who read comics. So it's okay to do it to a fictional man but not a fictional woman in comics?

Double standards much.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-03 01:23:11 » #1352768

I think it's less about her being from a different planet, and more about her being Dramatically and Radically different from Any And All Previous Incarnations.

Previously Starfire was a Naive Foreign girl in a cartoon marketed toward children. Before that she was a Space Hippy who believe in 'loving' freely; but actually specifically made a distinction between 'loving' and sex. I believe the line was "Always emotionally, sometimes physically."

Comparatively; Dick Grayson has pretty much always had a nice ass, not to mention being one of the biggest man-sluts in DC.

Stop trying to defend it; you're as transparent as they are.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-10-09 16:52:00 » #1413629

A different culture...
...which doesn't exist

2 Points Flag