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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-13 18:19:14 » #1340138

WTF is wrong with her face in the bottom left panel?

4 Points Flag
Lorisor commented at 2013-12-21 00:16:55 » #1456817

Ya know, I always wonder why MC's never get suspicious when they're walking around an area that's suspiciously populated with the opposite gender on a planet they've either never been on, or consider to be less than what they're used to.

Sure, some guys would be like "The fems should be more afraid of what I'D do to THEM" but to be honest the reality of stories written in this direction is as cliche' as this.

Male on Female dom'ed planet = Likely to get killed, beaten, or enslaved.

Female on Male dom'ed planet = Likely to be enslaved beaten AND raped, not always in that order.

When it's Fem on Male rape it's usually played up for laughs and if it's actually serious, expect it to follow up with being killed, beaten, or enslaved unless the 'Female Partner/Companion' shows up in which case it turns into a case of Femme Fatale badassery or Stealthy Femme.

Dunno if this is part of a whole manga/doujin or not, but if she's the only one on that planet expect her to get raped before anything gets better...if it's a doujin...don't expect it to GET better, expect it to get worse from here.

I don't have a problem with the scenario it's just that sometimes you can see it happening from 20km out. Hence the term "I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going." especially regarding things like tentacles lol.

2 Points Flag