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Anonymous commented at 2013-06-16 03:07:50 » #1341808


You're wrong right of the bat with your comparison of ecchi and hentai. I've read all the comments under this gif and I've noticed a similarity in the mindset of all of you who are critical of TLR. You all seem to see ecchi anime as some sort of soft core porn to fap to.
You can't see anything beyond the fan service because of this mindset and it causes you to dismiss the anime when it can't satisfy you like a hentai anime would. Hentai is MADE to be masturbation material, but (most) ecchi isn't (though some may use it as such). You thinking otherwise is just your personal opinion, not fact.
I've also noticed that the people defending TLR, actually liked the story (which you guys find non existent).
I will say this as someone who has read the manga for TLR and TLRD, that there IS a story there. It is nowhere near the level of the average hentai when it comes to a lack of story.
And no, I am not a fanboy or anything but it is clear to anyone who really knows the series, and I must say that it seems like many of you don't know it at all (you probably only saw pieces of the anime).
I'm not going to go as far as to say that it is deep or compelling as it is, because it does focus on fan service, but quite frankly I think the fact that you see it as "more like fap material than anything else" means your judgment is clouded.
I mean no offense by this, but just because you see all sexual content as supposed fap material doesn't mean that everyone else does, and by no means are they insane for enjoying the story underneath the fan service.

By the way i agree with SystemError.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-16 04:47:32 » #1341860

Also, the stuff some of you were saying about TLR having always been "almost hentai", or that it became popular because of the almost hentai elements is complete bull.

TLR never became so quite so explicit until Darkness, as the original series manga series ran in a boys magazine (same one as Naruto). That already renders many of your arguments invalid.

As for the reason it is so popular, I can't really speak to that because it's different for each individual, but just because you don't get it for whatever reason doesn't mean you have to put it, or those who like it, down.

An Anon brought up a good point about the background and characterization making a character more attractive. Think of all the hentai doujinshi out there for many different series and you should get it...

Well anyway the point is TLR ain't hentai, nor is it some kind of glorified wannabe hentai that you seem to want to think it is (Unless you TRULY believe that it's many fans are insane).

If some chose to fap to it good for them. If some prefer to watch hentai good for them. But they aren't the same, and it is no less of an anime just because it has ecchi, harem or romance.

Also @kaoknight, if you really quit anime then you're missing out.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-07-12 23:20:38 » #1358784

This is my new fetish.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-15 02:18:54 » #1380206

Why does anyone care either way if this is borderline hentai or not? This looks way better than most hentai ever. That is not a bad thing.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-08-29 00:49:30 » #1388705

I honestly think that they are just trolls. Most of them came to spout their garbage and leave. I mean, what's the point of saying "this is just 12 episodes of fanservice!" on this site?

Whether that's true or not, so what? You feel better about yourself because you watch hentai instead of ecchi? If you think about it, that fact in itself is laughable. "heh, you're only that perverted? I'm WAY more perverted!" Why try to make ecchi anime fans feel bad, while admitting that you watch hentai? (being on this sight is like admitting such)

Seriously though... I've never seen a scene in any hentai anime that is hotter than this... of course that's my opinion, but it can be argued that ecchi can be even more erotic than hentai, if that's what you watch it for, so it's definitely not pointless kaoknight. Also this was someones fantasy. It didn't really happen to her. A lot of the people commenting here didn't seem to know this.

2 Points Flag
AnimeFuckHead commented at 2013-10-04 23:20:16 » #1410963

You know, theres a hole blown in all your arguements is that one

Some hentai's have a lot of story, like, for example, jiburiru, harvest night, and alot of the monster ones, as it tends, these have darker and more fetishes, infact, I watch hentai for the plot plus the porn, and tend to avoid dull hentais with no plot(comedy can also replace plot, in my eyes), other wise I figured I might as well watch porn.

On the flip side, some animes have no story at all, like the slice of life and such, I don't know many of these, I avoid them because they are the opposite of what I like. but hey, some people like them, and thats fucking fine because everyone is different, and hating on people who are different should be an outdated way of thinking.

Let people be their own, you don't know how and why they think the way they do and not understanding them is not a good reason to attack them. your personal tastes are not god.

3 Points Flag
Boredwolf commented at 2014-01-08 04:04:18 » #1467384

omg i have seen alot of sexually suggestve and normally its meh what ever but this is hot damn the bit at the begining does it, looks like a dck she see's as a popsicle >.<

0 Points Flag
onmyknees4u commented at 2015-03-23 02:50:42 » #1709288

Well I know what I want to do when I get hungry for some blueberry ice cream.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-01 18:12:00 » #1769037

^same. Too bad my teeth are so fucking sensitive, I'd throat it once and die of splitting tooth pain. I need like lube mixed with sensodyne, only the sensodyne needs to be 300% more effective. The icecream bj problems are real, man.

4 Points Flag