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sillykwilly commented at 2013-07-30 00:16:12 » #1369722

Oh, YES! A 4th one!! So F#$king hyped!

11 Points Flag
BR4NagiLover commented at 2013-07-31 19:39:04 » #1370946

^ Why the down vote? It's one of the BEST doujin series for the most part

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-10-02 22:34:55 » #1824261


Probably just haters of AoT in genera, rather than the doujin itself. While I haven't gotten around to this series yet (I stumbled upon this by clicking random) I know a lot of people who were turned off on AoT by, and I quote, "The obvious racism of the creator."

From what I understand, among the mixed cast, the asian is described as "having no weaknesses" and everyone knows that everyone has weaknesses and that's bullshit. Same reason a lot of people have an issue with things like Guilty Gear; it really just seems like a self-jerk.

While I don't know if I'd go as far as to call this actual racism, as a lot of Japanese media has BS characters and they're often even western, I completely understand why many would be turned off by it, since it's just lazy and stupid character design.

0 Points Flag
qweasd42 commented at 2018-06-17 11:56:58 » #2249562

No weaknesses? She's an emotionally stunted muscle girl. And there are a bunch of other "no weakness" characters like the Russian girl, and the blondeguy who leads the Recon Corp.

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