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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 15:30:10 » #1944132

That was such a powerful moment T_T

It doesn't seem like a very "innovative" concept at first, but the way Grandia portrayed the beginning of a boy's journey, leaving behind his family, his childish anctics and everything he knew, in order to embark into the unknown and fulfill his dream of exploring the world and discovering what no one had discovered before...it was done in such a great way...it really leaves an impression.

Imo, no other game captured the feeling of setting off into an adventure like Grandia did. Its hard to explain, but the whole first part of the game is done in such a special way that when Justin finally gets the Steamer pass, you can feel how everything suddenly hits him. God, I love this game. A true jewel, its a real shame more people don't know about it.

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