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BlackErotica12 commented at 2013-12-03 17:14:13 » #1447352

Another milk eruption! There's never too much of a good thing! Okay, maybe there is. But not this time!

8 Points Flag
BlackErotica12 commented at 2013-12-03 17:14:29 » #1447353

I'd like to say something to the people who have been following my posts. Sorry to say this, but don't expect any more GIFs from me for a while. I feel like the well is running dry. I started posting because Kagaku Na Yatsura was ultra-sweet and it was in dire need of GIFs for the moments that lasted like a second or two; also I wanted to make the panoramic ones. Then I guess it was kind of a wave of inspiration, but now that wave's hit the shore. I don't feel inspired to make any more "regular" GIFs, and I guess it's safe to leave it up to BitchCommanderAsuka, von_karma, and other enthusiastic people dedicated to this (thank you!). But hey... when something SPECTACULAR comes along, I'll probably get to it. Thanks everyone!

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-12-03 20:31:28 » #1447448

thx for the work, look forward to more gifs once something catches your eye

5 Points Flag