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Anonymous commented at 2014-01-10 02:48:06 » #1468499

^ Still not gay, though. Not until it's trap-on-trap.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-01-21 16:36:00 » #1474522

I wouldn't even say it's gay then. When most people think about gay they think two masculine dudes or at least one of them is masculine dude going at it. Trap porn doesn't cater much to gay men. Because Traps look almost exactly like girls. It's the same for pre-op trans women. Gay men aren't usually attracted to them because pre-op trans women are pretty much just women with penises. Gay men have dated trans men, commenting that it isn't the penis that makes them male.

Now ask yourself, would you rather have sex with somebody that had the gender and/or gender expression (look, dress, and act in regards to a specific gender) of the gender you are attracted to, but they had the genitals of one you didn't or would you rather have sex with somebody with the genitals of the gender you like but the gender and/or gender expression of one you didn't like. Basically for men who consider themselves straight, would you choose a girl that had a penis or a boy that had a vagina.

I would bet that the genitals would be easier to get over than the rest of the body and personality.

Trap porn, trans women porn, futanari porn, and newhalf porn cater to straight men mostly. It isn't about the genitals. It wa trap on trap porn,it would be closer to yuri than yaoi. It'd just be someone cute fucking someone else that was also cute.

10 Points Flag
Dragvon commented at 2014-01-21 16:44:58 » #1474527

This image puts it simply.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-20 13:50:59 » #1491206

Why are you guys arguing if its gay or not? people have different fetish and whatnot who cares!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-02-26 22:44:32 » #1494653

>I would bet that the genitals would be easier to get over than the rest of the body and personality.

Yeah, because you see a lot of dykes with penises around, it's such a simple surgery, now boobs oh boy that's scientifically impossible right now, getting female hormones in a male body is in the realm of fiction, now let's stop with all the insecurity damage control around the word "gay" since apparently it's the opposite of the word "cool"and enjoy cute traps getting the futa dick.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-11 23:45:01 » #1668723

At times like these I feel the best philosophy is "Shut up and fap"

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-18 20:35:40 » #1672785

Should have been two futas. I'm so sick of Femboy fetish.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-30 08:27:33 » #1767958

This sort of thing makes me wonder what sexual orientation is.

Used to be, I thought that boys had penises and girls had vaginas, and that's all there was to it. And that gay or bisexual is when someone with a penis, is attracted to someone with a penis. And lesbian or bisexual is when someone with a vagina is attracted to someone with a vagina.

I came to the conclusion that I was bisexual because of this.

But then I learned there are transgender people, and transgender people are more than just transsexuals. And that gender identity is an actual thing that exists. So there are people with penises who identity as girls and people with vaginas who identify as boys.

As someone who never cared much for having a gender idenity and never saw the point, and always thought that boy meant someone with a penis, and girl meant someone with a vagina, which is how I was taught and raised. This gender identity stuff is really hard to get used to.

So apparently I'm bisexual just because there are people with gender identities that are totally different than their genitals or what they look like. Before I learned about gender identity, I would have thought that being a man and being attracted to someone like Buck Angel would be straight, while being attracted to someone like Bailey Jay would be gay.

And then there's people who say it's not about genitals or gender identity, it's about body type. So then if a man is attracted to a woman who is very maculine more gay that being attracted to a woman who is very feminine? I mean, does that mean that a man being attracted to a Drag King is more gay than a man being attracted to a Drag Queen?

I'm totally confused and have no idea what my sexuality is, or what sexuality is, anymore. I used to think I was bisexual, but now I'm not so sure. If I have to be attracted to manly guys, in order to be attracted to guys, then I totally fail at being attracted to guys and being bisexual, and I'm just boring old straight. Darn it, I wanted to be queer.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-30 08:32:20 » #1767961

"At times like these I feel the best philosophy is "Shut up and fap""

Nah, I think that sexuality is something worth being intellectual about.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-12 06:29:33 » #1812269

If I saw this I would be immediately down on my knees sucking that cock. Also I was kind of hoping there was a cutesy skull image as one of the drawings so I could say I am ready for a skull fucking ;)

0 Points Flag