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Anonymous commented at 2014-04-05 16:36:54 » #1514352

Would fucking a demonloli count as pedophillia, since technically she isnt human?


6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-11 16:58:54 » #1517546

Does it matter?

14 Points Flag
MadMonty commented at 2014-04-12 02:31:22 » #1517779

No matter what species you make a character, or how old, if the character looks like a 14 year old or younger, its pedophilia.
Seriously, anytime there's a boy or girl who looks like a minor in a sexually suggestive or blatantly sexual situation, its considered pedophilia.
NOW, that being said, it doesn't mean you can't have a 3000 year old demon who likes to take the form of a 12 year old girl. As long as the clothes stay on, you're good.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-04-15 16:38:44 » #1519790

bottomless ??? she could be wearing a g-string it wouldn't show at this angle, so lets asume fully clothed, no problem then

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-09-14 14:19:18 » #1602110

As far as I know pedophils are drawn to children, which includes not just looks but their behavioural pattern and overall innocence. People drawn to small/cute girls are called lolicons. Of course at first glance it seems the same (especially for those that call themselves normals - while they usually just have different sicknesses/fetishes) lolicons know the difference. The very thought of looking at a little child like that disgusts me. On the other hand I like small and cute girls (thus I like japanese/asian models). No, midgets by sickness usually don't count since they rarely look cute. No offense.

7 Points Flag