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Anonymous commented at 2014-06-02 10:27:32 » #1544699

Gary Stu and retarted imouto in the rain

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-20 00:46:56 » #1571739

You're right though. I don't think I could invent a more boring protag if I tried. Kirito gives him a run for his money though.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-29 01:35:45 » #1576795

People that call Tatsuya a Gary Stu don't seem to really know what a real Gary Stu is. Sure, he's fucking powerful, that doesn't make him a Gary Stu or even a bad character. Being fucking powerful doesn't make you a Gary Stu, go read the Dragonlance books, Raistlin Majere would wipe the floor with this guy 10 times over.

Gary Stu's have ridiculous backstories, like being the son of a demon lord who has the powers of an ancient pharaoh while also being half angel. They also have no flaws whatsoever.

Tatsuya has flaws, they're character based. He pretty much doesn't give a shit about anyone besides his sister and would be willing to kill for her. That's a flaw right there.

But if you all like weak ass protagonists that can't wipe their ass without needing help from all their friends (a la Akatsuki from Strike The Blood) that's your pejorative. I'm personally tired of these modern main characters that are so fucking incompetent that they can't do anything for themselves.

Don't use terms like Gary Stu when you have no idea what you're talking about.

16 Points Flag