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Anonymous commented at 2014-06-25 03:29:10 » #1557633

we are the evil riders of hell FEAR us or be destroyed or would rather hear a sentai reference
Gaoh:um sorry to tell you this but should'nt we ou know kill our rivals
White W:yeah I got stuff to do later so can we get this over with
Odin:yes like me being the thirteenth rider
WW:um sorry to tell you this Odin but its femme
WW:yeah its femme not you
Fiffteen:hey your not alone I mean I thought I was the fiffteenth heisei rider but no it was that Gaim and he used the Ichigou (1) arms to kill me
Kazari Shiro:so none of you are intrested in helping me kill the riders of both showa and heisei
Shiro:and why not
Odin:face it Shiro were the evil riders that appear in the movies and yet we still live
Gaoh:well there is one rider who almost and I mean almost took over the world
Fiffteen:yeah Eternal kinda beats us so maybe we might bring him back
everyone stares at white wizard
WW:why are all of you looking at me for
Shiro:your a wizard right so maybe you can bring back a person right
White:nope can't do it and if did I would need my dark hood it gives me undead powers
Fiffteen:but don't you symbolize death
WhiteW:fare point but Japan's color of death is ironicly white but
Shiro:but what
WhiteW:well if we really do the ressurrection thing then he'll turn into a zombie
Odin:he was all ready a zombie
Gaoh:yeah but he aged thanks to that energy stuff
Shiro:then lets find Eterna's grave and bring forth destruction and chaos.
Shiro:so its settled we find Eternal's grave and bring him back from the dead reborn

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