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Anonymous commented at 2014-09-29 19:19:13 » #1610056

I am seriously not okay with the Claire/Hope pairing.
Seriously. :I

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-11-07 03:03:10 » #1630486

Honestly, it's the best pairing in the game save for her and Snow, but hey! We both know THAT ain't happening. Because sugary romance (Snow x Serah) is somehow better than one with development and chemistry, in the eyes of SE writers. :/

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-01-30 01:29:47 » #2207396

The hate Hope gets is not his fault. Its all due to the shitty writing they did.

People hate hope because:
1. they want to come to snow's defense.
2. They think he's being a baby.... yeah because losing your mother totally wouldn't fuck you in the head.

We all thought (myself included) that hope was being a little bitch for droning on and on about snow. Why? because we SAW what really happened. Imagine for a second the SE dev team wasn't smoking opium and instead of showing us Snow's perspective, keep everything as it went down but we see it from Hope's point of view. Almost magically, Hope's feelings seem to be very much in the right spot. From Hope's view we would see Snow "letting go" Letting go of Nora to try to save himself, for later on to be revealed that he tried to save her instead.

People are so quick to judge. Thats why Hope is my favorite character in 13 and by god he deserves a strong sexy woman like Lightning to suck his semen dry every couple of hours.

I particularly loved the scene where she hugs hope and she mashes her boobs right in his face, then he makes a dirty comment and instead of getting angry Lightning jokingly pushes his head. like saying "you little perv lol"

2 Points Flag