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Anonymous commented at 2015-02-01 16:33:18 » #1680614

Needs some translation

5 Points Flag
Mikewifi commented at 2015-04-28 03:01:52 » #1730351

It's a bit tricky to translate, because the Japanese text is a play on words. Basically, they're describing what they're doing to an unknown third person as a 'battle of endurance' of who can stay under the warm blanket on a hot, sunny day the longest.

That part translates into English pretty well, but it's the next part that gets tricky. Rin and Len are telling each other to cum already, but in order to hide it from the third person who's watching, they use a few hard-to-translate euphemisms for 'cumming'.

Rin tells len to 'hurry up and 出て already'. '出て' quite literally means 'to out'. It can mean a lot of things, including 'to leave' and 'to ejaculate' (males only). In this case Rin is telling Len to ejaculate, but the person watching thinks she's telling him to get out from under the blanket already.

Len tells Rin to stop enduring and 'イきたきゃ'. 'イきたきゃ' literally means 'to go', but it also means 'to cum' (both sexes). Len tells Rin to stop resisting and cum, but to the third person it sounds like 'stop resisting and leave the blanket already'.

I hope that made even a marginal amount of sense. Japanese can be tricky sometimes.

41 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-06-30 11:25:58 » #1768031

It does, thanks Mikewifi.
All languages can have their kinks.
Already at English we have: Tier, Tear, tear

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-05-16 14:23:31 » #2239268

Sibling rivalry is the best. I mean, when it’s a non-violent rivalry.

2 Points Flag