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Anonymous commented at 2014-11-30 19:39:14 » #1644404

That's one horny Haunter! XD

7 Points Flag
XerBlade commented at 2017-12-03 18:44:11 » #2189417

Artist's commentary (necessary for some of the tags):

Many stories have circulated Benzaiten Academy about ghosts and specters haunting the long hallways after dark. Some of the stories tell of a pitch black creature that seems to materialize from the shadows and possess its victims, turning them into dolls with which it can sate its twisted desires. Others say that it will drain your mind completely, feeding on your will until you're nothing but a husk. As with all these stories, one can never be sure until it's investigated.

Mystery Hunters Anna-Sofia and Veronika scoured the corridors of Benzaiten at night to find the truth...

3 Points Flag