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BLACK-HAND commented at 2011-12-31 03:44:10 » #964506

Plot Idea:

In an alternate universe, young women can be transformed into cowgirls, kept as livestock and used to produce milk for the people. Every girl is sent to a small farm house at age seventeen for a week to see if they are destined to be a cow girl. The more someone eats at the place, the more their body starts to act like a cowgirl's. If they eat enough, by the third day they are given a cow girl's uniform. On the fourth day a cow bell. On the fifth day a pair of the hoof boots and bondage mittens that cowgirls are forced to wear. On the sixth day they are sent to the stables for the night. Should on the seventh day they still show all the proper signs of development and continued apatite for the drugged food, then they are given a full hormonal injection, spliced with cow ears and tail, and then finally shipped of to the farm for a lifetime of milk production.

The girl's mother was a cow girl, so when it came her time to be tested, she was sure that she would not succumb to her mother's fate. She was determined. Yet, from the first bite she took, she knew she was hooked on the food, eating more then she'd like despite her best attempts. And to further complicate things, the farmer's daughter is the one looking after her. and her ways of getting prospective cows to eat or to compel to do so tend to be irresistible. Can she manage to stop herself from failing in line with the expected outcome, and end the week producing milk?

If you are a female rolepalyer, shoot me a message if the plot above entriced you. If not then I hope that at least I gave you the tiniest shred of inspiration ^^

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