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MyPitah commented at 2015-01-06 13:40:23 » #1665600

Is this canon or fanmade ? As far as i know, no idea if these 2 went their ways or got together, not to mention no idea of the origin story behind lee's protege.

2 Points Flag
Spunks commented at 2015-01-06 14:07:26 » #1665615

I always thought that Tenten will end up with Neji... "sob" but anything could happen behind the scenes.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-06 20:30:59 » #1665786

There are some hints across both parts that TenTen might have a thing for Rock Lee, but there is nothing in the epilogue to either prove or disprove the pairing.

I believe they are together and the kid with Lee is their son (because of how her introduction comes immediately after his, the kids hair resembling the haircut she gave Lee in her Tsukyomi dream, and the kids eyes make me think of her for some reason).

Supposedly, in the japanese text she is using one of Rock Lee's speech quirks. But I really wouldn't know about that. Can't speak Moonrunes.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-07 23:25:15 » #1666485

@anon3 on the other hand, Tenten and Lee both could still be single and that is just some random kid who looks up to Lee just like Lee looked up to Gai when they weren't related at all.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-01-08 16:23:40 » #1666782

Oh, absolutely. Like I said, you can't use anything in 700 in favor or against the couple. Just pointing out LeeTen always had more support in the manga (as little and as vague as it was).

1 Points Flag