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Anonymous commented at 2016-02-19 21:40:36 » #1902539

I just love this pic!

On one end, she looks like she's willing and able to rail me until I passed out from the ecstasy, but at the same time, there's something calming about her. Her look at me feels gentle and welcoming, motherly even, and the choker around her neck adds a sense of softness to her. Her breasts look smooth and full, yet on top of being sexual, her beasts and her body as a whole look incredibly gorgeous. Combined with her smile, even the posture romanticizes her sexual invitation. Her body looks warm and soft, and she seems like someone who would be willing to cuddle with me afterwards.

A rather unique combination of sexy and sweet. Nice work, Ubanis. I hope I get to see more of her.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-04-25 09:00:48 » #2369516

anon1, shes in that pose because shes waiting for you to sit on her cock (anally, lotus) while hugging and kissing her. she wont thrust. after a while, the love will make her ejaculate her thick saved up load deep into you.

2 Points Flag