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Anonymous commented at 2015-03-12 01:21:09 » #1703186

I think the problem with SquareEnix these days is that they have gotten too pretentious with their stories. Their stories never seem to have a clear goal in mind anymore. A lot of the time it gets too bogged down on pseudo-philosophical battles between the heroes and the villains.There's an old adage that they should follow "Keep it simple, stupid." Some of the greatest RPGs tend to always have a pretty clear goal from the start; the complexity always comes from the characters. Their involvement with the world and each other. The plot is always a means to an end, the most important part of the story is the journey. At least, that's how I believe good 'epics' are written.

6 Points Flag
HerrBlitzDiktator commented at 2015-05-04 15:59:35 » #1734211

You just reminded me of Valkyrie Profile, great RPG, sad as fuck. But it's pretty straight forward "harvest the souls of the dead to go in an army to battle in Ragnarok" the complexity comes from the schemes of Loki and Odin, and the tear inducing backstories of most characters.

2 Points Flag