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Anonymous commented at 2008-08-17 23:30:04 » #11100

Go to hell.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-03-09 22:28:02 » #35453

Umm... damn... settle down lol.

What's with the tude, Vista is NOT that bad. I use it and Linux. Some told me to get a Mac.. eh... Windows has it's place and why pay Jobs for a version of Linux.. that's pretty much what Macintoshs' "OSX" is... just a different form of Linux. and Linux is just as secure, stable and virus free as Macs and why people praise Macs I don't know when you can spend say 2000 and get WAY WAY better hardware than a Mac Pro and run Linux for your Unix needs and Windows for games or just if you need it... and still come out on top over apple.

But they all have their place... use windows at home, my main os is Linux and use Macs a bit at school/work so...

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-21 01:52:11 » #444235

Actually, close anon2. OS X is basically NextOS. Linux is different. It's similar to Unix, but it isn't Unix. It was written to solve the same problem as Unix but is different but similar in some ways.

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