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Hectotane commented at 2015-07-01 19:30:03 » #1769074

That show's gonna be remember for that one scene...

...and how horribly written it is.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-02 06:53:05 » #1769421

"Lelouch, I think Nina's really sick. I walked in on her in the student faculty room, and she sounded like a dying coyote."

65 Points Flag
kazeoni commented at 2015-07-13 00:59:14 » #1775614

I find it kinda funny that they kept this scene in the TV release in the US. I mean it isn't even implied...it's shown that she is obviously masturbating.

22 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-07-24 03:37:17 » #1782312

Back then as a college student I actually didn't see what was going on until much later....

Personally I think Nunnally would have at least heard and/or smelt something unusual. Just because you are blind doesn't mean you're Daredevil but your others senses do tend to be a little sharper...

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-01-15 23:12:44 » #1883725

Nunnally, Nunnally, Nunnally. When a woman and a table love each other very much.

36 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-12-27 18:23:53 » #2196701

The worst part about this whole thing is that while the TV version aired this (I saw it on Adult Swim) it was left in.
A part of me thought "Oh then they must have censored out the sounds because it was to much." Nope, still the same, that means that the producers didn't even have enough balls to PUT IN a masturbation scene but didn't go all the way with it because it might have been "Too Much" I would say Fail, but you need to actually Fail to Fail and this pulled out before it could so it's just plane Disappointing...yeah we can have boobs and after sex but HEAVEN FORBID...

4 Points Flag