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Morriganal commented at 2015-10-24 17:13:43 » #1836485

For those who don't know, for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2, they briefly flirted with the concept of new Dino Zord designs. They were always going to replace the Green Ranger Powers with the Kibaranger set, but were unsure if they were bringing ALL the Mecha of Dairanger over, due to the brand familiarity of the Dinozords.
So, for the proposed "Zyu3" footage, they'd be getting new designs to the Dinozords, and the White Tiger Thunderzord would get a redesign

While they did decide to film all the new Ranger suit action in the US, they brought over all the Dairanger mech anyway due to the cost. It was cheaper to make a new cockpit for the Thunder Megazord and bring that footage over than make whole new robot suits.

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