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Anonymous commented at 2015-09-05 00:50:26 » #1808229

It's hard to believe that the creators killed such a cute girl in the series. Thankfully, Urobuchi was merciful with us and she was revived...then I got depressed for her again in The Different Story. -_-

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-07 00:32:30 » #1809294

that's true and the worst part is her death was meaningless. It didn't help or made the other characters strong or anything. In fact it was one of the most useless and cruel deaths I'd seen in anime.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-07 17:58:04 » #1809625

Unfortunately, it wasn't meaningless in the sense that her death is what made most of the viewers recommend Madoka to non-watchers, forced most persons to see the series until the end (to see is she was going to be revived or things were going to end well for the rest), and eventually make it very popular. It was the first step to make this series unique or different from other mahou shoujo anime, and tell everyone that this was not your typical moe-bait anime. Sure, the brutality of her death is over the top, and very cruel in the sense that moments before they showed a very human and happy Mami, which by fucking God, just make you feel worse for her, but in the end it was thanks to her sacrifice that this anime became popular and well-known. Something makes me think that her death was inspired by one character's demise from Muv-Luv Alternative, were the motherly figure is killed in an unnecessarily gory way, to make clear to the reader that this is serious stuff, shit will happen, and things will get really really worse (forget about the happy moe and harem moments you have been reading until now).

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-09-07 18:22:20 » #1809635

To continue my previous comments (I'm Anon 1 and 3): Still the death of both characters still feel badly written, poorly executed, like insults to lovable characters, and a lazy and desperate way from the writers to call the attention of the viewers and differentiate their works from the rest.

The change of mood and atmosphere of both works is so abrupt and comes out of nowhere. I like twist and surprises, but just when there is logic, foreshadowing, or hints behind them. A good surprise is not one that comes out of nowhere but rather you kinda can see it coming, but happens in a slightly different way that you expected.

It's like me deciding to write a romantic comedy aimed to young women, were the main couple is going to marry in a wedding, and out of nowhere the love rival comes out of nowhere and shoots the bride in the head (with gory imagery to make a more complete experience).

I mean WTF Urobuchi!!! Actually, I started watching the series due to Kajiura's collaboration as the OST composer, but I found out after the 3rd episode that he was the writer, so that didn't help at all. Thankfully, The Different Story treats its characters with more respect than the series and movies, sure it's still a depressing story, but the execution of Mami and Kyouko's story was very good.

Sorry, everyone. Just wanted to complain and get out this complaint that I have been keeping to myself for years.

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