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Anonymous commented at 2015-11-11 16:05:03 » #1847266

Theobromine poisoning is poisoning due to an ingredient found in various consumable products, such as chocolate. Yes, the very same reason why we are advised against feeding chocolate to our dogs is something we ourselves are susceptible to but obviously our body has a much better response at digesting the substance.

In order to die from your average chocolate, the average person needs to consume about 20 lbs. of the stuff. That being said, let's imply that we are consuming 20lbs of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup. The total amount of calories that would take would be roughly 32,000 calories and 6,400 grams of sugar. Can that in itself kill someone? Absolutely, sugar's Glucose has been tested on lab rats to have a deadly response (gastronomical issues) at a dosage of 30g/kg. Although these tests can't accurately predict every mammal's response to a substance and not all sugars are the same.

Can licking boatgirl's chocolate covered legs and feet put someone at risk of death. Honestly, not unless you decide to go and lick every single boatgirls' foot. But more than likely, you're bound to at least experience a nasty tummy ache.

i need to start on my fucking essay what am I doing

22 Points Flag
Sanyo commented at 2015-11-13 01:20:34 » #1848101

"i need to start on my fucking essay what am I doing"

I think you already have.

18 Points Flag