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Anonymous commented at 2010-09-22 07:28:05 » #445723

Why do they always have to put middle aged fat guys in these kinds of pics?

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-28 15:11:09 » #599230

What do you think the average japanese otaku IS?

33 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-30 06:36:14 » #714505

Ugh, it's just like Torbe. Get the hottest girls then waste them with boner-killing fat greasy dudes.

8 Points Flag
serogane commented at 2011-04-30 07:17:40 » #714525

Give me a tentacle monster instead. Christ.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-29 20:33:15 » #791162

@anon 1: because modern society stereotypes fat greasy bastards like that one to be perverts thirsting to rape a high school girl or grade schoolers.
i am also a person who agrees that those people need to be shot between the eyes.

6 Points Flag
longlostsaiyan commented at 2011-10-13 00:15:31 » #900342

hot hot hot!!! Hikari is beautiful!!

5 Points Flag
hahehihohuhen commented at 2012-04-11 01:38:50 » #1046319

Why? Because it's more likely for the girl not to consent with it. It enforces rape, abuse. Well, you guys gotta acknowledge that there are people who are really turned on with sadism.

For instance, I think this pic is pretty awesome, so if you don't like it, let's start tagging ugly, fat_man, old_man or just anything you can think of them, then blacklist'em.

And also, I love the duality between bizarre and beauty in these kinda pics. It's like a connection between two different worlds, it's like breaking taboos so hey, let the artists do their things. If you can't appreciate their work, some other people probably will.

9 Points Flag