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leatherhead93 commented at 2015-12-19 04:17:18 » #1867949

All that debris would still have killed those people :)

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 09:26:00 » #1868054

leatherhead93>> That why she team up with Temari who get rid of these debris easily after with her fan and wind jutsus.

8 Points Flag
inky commented at 2015-12-19 11:16:30 » #1868102

To think people used to call her useless.

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 17:59:02 » #1868286

@inky - she is useless. Super strength aside she hasn't done much of anything in the series

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 18:28:47 » #1868298

@ anon 1868286: except for keeping Naruto and Sasuke alive when they were unconscious in the Chuunin Exams, fighting and winning against Sasori of the Red Sands, healing countless people and saving their lives during the Pain invasion... not to mention saving every single one of the people in this gif...

People just don't seem to make the connection that, even though compared to her comrades she didn't shine as brightly, she was still a soldier @ age 12, fought to protect her home, was killing and saving people before you were even out of middle school, and is a hell of a lot stronger than you. It's all relative. Last I checked, no one on this planet can do the things she can do, from miraculously healing the injured, to creating a massive crater with a single punch. Sure, I'm not very fond of her, but I can at least give credit where it is due.

19 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 18:58:26 » #1868308

Also one of the major drives behind Naruto hunting after Sasuke.......his promise to her, in an effort to impress her, is a part of what kept him going for so long.

People are quick to dismiss her as useless......but honestly did Ten Ten do much of anything? Nothing really comes to mind yet people run screaming to her defense. It's unfair to hold her to as high a standard as two people who have near god-like abilities.

6 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-12-19 20:29:59 » #1868354

@Anon 3
Why exactly is it necessary to have her on a lower level than Naruto and Sasuke though? They are supposed to be the ultimate team of the series. It makes sense people would expect them all to be relatively on the same level. Yet Sakura is even left out of the final showdown and gets knocked out AGAIN. A really cool moment would have been Sakura actually STOPPING Sasuke from knocking her out and participating in the fight. But NOOOOO we have to have this forced Naruto/Sasuke fight because that's what everyone wants to see even though it ended just like everyone thought it would. Sasuke unjustifiably redeemed, everyone forgives him like tools etc. Absolutely nothing unexpected. And Sakura hardly had a part in it.

Arguing how useful over the series she's been is subjective but the power difference would have easily been solved when you consider the kind of bullshit powerups Kishi has pulled over the years.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 21:43:20 » #1868393

leather....you answer your own question: "we have to have this forced Naruto/Sasuke fight because that's what everyone wants to see"

"because that's what everyone wants to see"

"everyone wants to see"

Give Sakura a bullshit powerup right then and there and the folks would bitch even louder about it. No one, by this point in the manga, was expecting Sakura to get a power up. They were all continuing to talk about how useless she was. I once posed the same question as you, about why not having Sakura in the final fight as well, and was down-voted into oblivion. Nobody wanted to see that.

Keeping her on the same level as the rest of their classmates gave the viewer a base on which to compare how strong Naruto and Sasuke had become. Showing her to be on par with Tsunade in terms of strength, chakra control, and healing abilities also shows how even more ridiculously strong the other two had become.

And you have more issues with the ending than just Sakura.....If you are arguing for her uselessness I'd refrain from talking about how horrible the Naruto/Sasuke fight was or how Sasuke was forgiven (which was indeed bullshit). It adds little to your argument.

Finally......I'm not anon3.....just clearing the air on that one.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-19 22:13:58 » #1868409

i like sakura and all but a lot of her achievements were through "plot armor" meaning good things happen for her out of nowhere with little to no back development such as Team 7 vs Kaguya. That defied all plot related logic

6 Points Flag
leatherhead93 commented at 2015-12-20 06:44:10 » #1868610

@Anon 5
Why does it matter if that's what everyone wants to see? That shouldn't matter to an other. Otherwise someone like George R.R. Martin wouldn't have killed HALF the people he has in game of thrones. There were all lot of people who wanted to see Naruto and Sakura together and that didn't happen. I didn't contradict myself at all. That was a point on it's own. People wanted to see Naruto and Sasuke fight even though the fight itself was terrible and pointless overall.

Also you missed the point I was making overall. Sakura from the beginning should have been being built up to a similar level as Naruto/Sasuke from the BEGINNING not now. That whole bullshit "Omg look how strong these guys are compared to me" has gone on the ENTIRE SERIES. Both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden did that with her. It's an absolutely terrible use of the character. We don't constantly see someone spoon feed us that these guys are strong. Especially when you consider the fact that Kakashi/Naruto AND Sasuke recieved BS powerups near the end of the manga anyway. So your argument people would complain is kind of moot.

ALSO i brought up my issues with the final fight BECAUSE Sakura wasn't part of it. I never argued how useful she was. It was brought up because she WASN'T part of one of the most important moments for the team.

1 Points Flag