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Anonymous commented at 2015-12-22 08:53:48 » #1869812

Now we just need Female Dragon Girl and Bayo...

8 Points Flag
KhightMare commented at 2015-12-22 10:05:13 » #1869832

I don't get this artist..
How does it he think that Samus would be smiley in this situation, but Zelda a character that actually does smile, wouldn't smile in this situation?

5 Points Flag
OnyxSwift commented at 2015-12-22 11:08:07 » #1869854

He doesn't depict the characters with their canon personalities, but rather his interpretations of them. Canon Zelda is basically Diet Peach, whereas Akairiot Zelda is much less apt to put up with shenanigans.

And apparently he also believes in the "Hylians are NOT ELVES, GODDAMMIT!" pedantry, considering his own description for Zelda's panel here is "Princess Zelda does not support pointy-eared stereotypes."

15 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-22 13:00:39 » #1869907

The fact that the boxes don't line up is driving my OCD crazy.

7 Points Flag
jackjustjack commented at 2015-12-22 13:29:01 » #1869920

Onyxswift, according to skyward swords, hylians are humans, and a man in the castle's market in ocarina of time says that hylians have long ears so they can hear the goddesses voices.

4 Points Flag
OnyxSwift commented at 2015-12-22 15:36:25 » #1869988

But here's the thing: whatever it's origins, the term "elf" has been homogenized by popular culture to the point where it doesn't refer to anything more specific "person with pointy ears" (Which Hylians are), and it certainly doesn't refer to anything specific in Zelda lore.

So people who correct you when you refer to a Hylian as an elf are getting worked up over nothing. Is there a distinction? I suppose, technically. Is there a difference? No, not really.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-22 22:34:28 » #1870190

The artist, Akairiot, has no plans to draw Bayo unfortunately. Based on his wording, it just seems like he's not gonna do it cause he's salty that she won the ballot over Shantae and Isaac.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-23 05:55:31 » #1870356

Based on his wording, I think he just doesn't like Bayonetta. Which is fine, to each their own.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-12-23 09:22:05 » #1870417

How many times is this gonna get reposted?

2 Points Flag
dick76 commented at 2015-12-26 21:17:12 » #1872078

to anon 3. Akairiot has been asked multiple times before bayonetta was annouced for to smash to draw and declined because he doesn't like the character.Which is fine.However you probably could just commision him to draw her when it opens up

2 Points Flag