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Anonymous commented at 2012-03-17 21:47:46 » #1026628

I still don't understand WHY they use Sid as a zombie.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-07-31 04:53:20 » #1577903

Let me tell you a story in episode 4 (actual episode 1) it was said by lord death that Sid was killed by some unknown force and came back as a zombie,at first the three Meisters were fighting him but after one of Meisters took him down Stein appears and shit hits the fan,eventually he is in episode 14 only as a sub for Stein later he and his weapon (it's been awhile since I saw the show so forgive me) and then more shit happens and then in the final episodes of the series he leads an assault against arachnophobia

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