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Anonymous commented at 2017-02-21 20:12:23 » #2100408

This is such a great manga. Very funny and entretaining in every way! (if you know what I mean ;p ). For those who don't know the manga, it's about a superheroine named Eight Wonder what retired after defeating the humankind's enemy Blowjob and is living now as an ordinary housewife with her daughter peacefuly, until she finds out that her daughter took on her mantle and name and began fighting with a new army of Blowjob that has returned to harm humans once more. Knowing that being a heroine will lead to end up in embarrasing situation during the fight, she will return as Eight Wonder (original) once more to protect her daughter from Blowjobs viciously perverted attacks from the shadows.
And yeah, the enemy's name is Blowjob and one of the Generals is named Deepthroat...

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