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schrecken121 commented at 2019-01-23 13:08:56 » #2327085

Added a translation.
So much insight though, I felt like reading some kind of making-off to a video game or something. The 'judgement' name reminded me of the To Aru Series' Judgement team. Either way I was suprised by how he could group the kanjis in a way where they literally meant "Public Moral's Committee" but where read out like the english word "judgement".

3 Points Flag
schrecken121 commented at 2019-01-23 13:11:31 » #2327086

EDIT: If you wonder about the "temple knight"-character thing: He literally says "tenperu-chara" which I found to be a descriptive name of a some kind of fictional character archetype. Think of strict, conscientious, harboring strong principles, etc.

2 Points Flag
sisconbro commented at 2019-08-04 20:28:15 » #2418424

Thank you, schrecken. You're doing god's work

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