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Anonymous commented at 2017-07-28 14:14:01 » #2153154

To be honest, I know I'm supposed to take this series as a deconstruction and/or mocking joke of superheros in general, but... I call bullshit. This series, once redone outside of ONE's original works, has become a full-fledged manga worthy of all the same viewpoints you'd give to most shonen. There is a real plot going on, and the gags are somehow relevant to it in a way that isn't meant to be just some bit of comic relief. Saitama's abilities don't seem outlandish just for its own sake. There seems to be a real mystery and a real answer somewhere lurking.

The original work might not be meant to be taken seriously, but I just can't say the same for what its become beyond that.

That said... I think Saitama's going to have his hands full with Bankenman. I really hope that's the case. It's just funny enough and dumb enough that it works for the story's presentation, and keeps true enough to its origin's vibe. All this time, his greatest challenge was always nearby... chillin' in a dogsuit and giving just as few fucks as Saitama himself. I might be wrong, but that's my guess.

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