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kow commented at 2016-05-24 20:33:30 » #1956302

I do not understand what "Doyora Edition" is. Is that a Name or something?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-07-13 04:50:56 » #1985406

@Kow Doyora is another artist that I think is friends with Kerasu (aka RiceGnat) who drew the outfit for Kaleina a while back as a contribution, hence it being called "Doyora Edition".

After reading through his posts he does mention the tabard outfit being dumb, besides the hair ribbon. But maybe he was making a joke about it, don't take my word for it :-]

I personally really like the tabard though, there is only so much a wind can do to such a loose outfit with nothing underneath.

9 Points Flag