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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-03 01:29:34 » #1943378

This isn't actual cheating.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-04 14:03:56 » #1944107

This is just perfect

4 Points Flag
Dartred commented at 2016-05-05 10:59:02 » #1944660

wait, isn't the blonde friend the one who married kayo?

0 Points Flag
Dartred commented at 2016-05-05 11:03:16 » #1944662

nvm, got names messed up. though it isn't actually cheating. the anime REALLY made it seem that if he had not fallen into the coma. Satoru would have been the one to date Kayo. so i did get an NTR feel at the end. he even looked saddened to see her with a child at first.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-28 14:19:56 » #1958445

What the fuck man. Hiromi is totally an uke and should have been gay with Kazu, not married to KAYO. Kayo should have been the one taking care of Satoru when he was in a coma. To me, it felt like the anime was about her relationship with Satoru. So much of it was about him trying to save her, and we see their relationship grow while we don't give a fuck about Hiromi. Satoru saves Kayo as a child, Kayo saves Satoru as an adult- that makes sense and feels right. Instead we get hero complex cuck bs and Satoru ends up with "my mom divorced my dad over a chocolate bar" pizza girl.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-11-23 20:49:21 » #2053446

Not a big deal, nor the purpose of the story, but this part did sort of rub me the wrong way, too. And it was glossed over as nothing. Sort of pissed me off, especially since Hiromi went from 'hot trap' to 'fat guy'.

5 Points Flag