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Anonymous commented at 2016-05-11 14:27:19 » #1948373

I am absolutely okay with this

28 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-11 15:22:12 » #1948402

Butcha-u sure play's a-lot of games, considering his artwork. i love games aswell but how does he find the free time to play and draw at the same time.

11 Points Flag
Generic.User commented at 2016-05-11 17:40:16 » #1948444

You don't have to play a game to know what the characters do and create art based on that.

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-05-21 00:48:10 » #1953987

I am now going to dislike anyone's comment that is telling facts and the truth and like the posts that are biased opinions and lies since this is how people in Gelbooru vote.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-21 19:00:55 » #2111392

i like to think she's blinking between several simultaneously orgasming dicks, making sure each one is deep in her pussy when it spurts, taking special care to get every drop of several loads of cum inside her at the exact same time. hot as fuck.

gotta wonder though; if she recalls, does the semen get "returned to sender", so to speak? if so, would that be painful, as aforementioned peni would still be inhabiting forwards time, while that occurred? does it just fizzle out of existence? does it plop onto the floor where she recalled, as her out-of-time-phase body time-teleports and leaves it's hard-earned wombful of regrettably time-stable cum behind?

could she un-conceive, with it? it does regen her health; presumably it's a simple revert, lore-wise, and would thus affect/undo conception, unless the cum managed to stay in there to redo it. even if none of that were an issue, would her time-stream issues be hereditary, considering any offspring would be necessarily exposed/integrated with her out-of-time-phase-ness over the course of pregnancy? even if they did some weird egg harvesting and test-tube thing, what's to say the matter composing her egg itself isn't just as afflicted? is she not only lesbian, but also sterile? honestly, one may explain the other, haha...

3 Points Flag