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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-31 22:53:00 » #2134543

Saria and the other Kokiri are not children, they don't age at all so they can be gods knows how old she really is. Also funny things, she should be ragdolling in Gannons lap, and it would be conisdered Necrophilia because Kokiri cannot survive outside the Lost Woods or the Kokiri Forest, aside From Saria who is allowed to survive within the Sacred Realm alongside the other Sages.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-10-01 12:22:54 » #2287174

Of everything going on here you focus on the one of Ganon and Saria,even though Saria is an adult and people like Ezra, Sabine, and the airbender girl are arguably actually underage in their respective serieses?
Also, you skip over everything else to focus on Saria.
Who has the problem, again?

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Anonymous commented at 2018-10-01 12:25:43 » #2287177

Methinks the lady doth protest too much.

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Anonymous commented at 2018-10-30 14:20:25 » #2297176

Yeah, sorry to bring down the mood, but to the anon saying arranged marriages are occuring outside of the US? Yeah, that's actually not totally true. Turns out some of the USA still has laws that not only allow middle aged men to marry prepubescent girls, but prevent said girls from divorcing until they are 18. Yeah, the US is fucked up.

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shitdickcunt commented at 2018-11-29 22:23:32 » #2307914

only porn of nayru..

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