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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-07 20:08:45 » #1999776

I really need to learn japanese so I can translate this stuff.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-13 22:54:04 » #2002937

I don't think learning Japanese would be enough here. This guy's handwriting is fucking chicken scratch. Good luck deciphering that shit.

10 Points Flag
Coalition commented at 2017-06-01 19:01:09 » #2134808

Looks like the different rooms have an emitter that makes the vibrators wiggle in different patterns. The room in the very back likely has the recharger to keep the sperm from being squirted inside her.

Now just need a special frame in the back so in order to recharge, she is put in some sort of bondage. It would hold her in place gently but firmly, so she could almost relax and sleep in that frame. Add in an aphrodisiac sprayer so she wakes up horny.

The central room (the one in the center below the large room) is the only that is likely set up to give her orgasms. This way she could scream in pleasure all she wanted, but the walls and rooms would muffle it so she wouldn't disturb the neighbors.

Add in a dildo in each room that she has to suck on as she passes through it so she gets used to having a cock in her mouth to make the setup fun. Varying heights mean that sometimes it is fairly easy, other times she has to get on her hands and knees to suck it properly. The one by the front door likely has it close to the floor so she has to be on her hands and knees shortly before meeting anyone that stops by.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-28 18:18:05 » #2224422

More translation please ?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-04-12 03:50:01 » #2228542

I like the artist's works and appreciate people who volunteer to do many of the translations, so I'll make an effort to help out. I don't know japanese myself (knowing only hiragana and some of the katakana), but I could read and write mandarin chinese with ease, so I thought with the help of google translate perhaps I could recognize the artist's writing better in some way. Some part of the transcription below might seem odd or make no sense (with asterisks standing for the utterly unintelligible kana), but this could be a good starting point. Anyway, here it goes:

text on the right:


text on the bottom left, counterclockwise:


It seems to me that the girl isn't subject to any bodily harm, but is confined to this apartment and a set of constrictions (cannot do the laundry, take a nice bath and use the bathroom narmally etc.) that make her have a messy and untidy appearance, and this would cause huge embarrassment every time she open the door and show herself to the delivery guy. (Note that "リビングも廊下も大量の陰毛が散らばっていて。空調の風に舞っている。" seems to indicate that a vast amount of pubic hair is scattered in the room and blown about by the air conditioner.) To deactivate the contraption, she'll use the sum of change she has got from every delivery guy. How exactly this could be carried out is still unclear, though.

9 Points Flag
Mikewifi commented at 2018-05-20 17:42:02 » #2240625

Thanks a ton for transcribing the text, anon. It saved me so much time. You got like 99.9% of the kanji right, which is hella impressive.

6 Points Flag