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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-20 20:33:31 » #1989646

Is she giving condoms to the protagonist? Considering that Persona protagonists are usually womanizers and you can effectively end up having a nice little harem with no consequence (besides feeling like a monster in P4 Golden on St. Valentine's Day) it makes sense. Minato even had a milf all for himself.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-07-22 08:40:40 » #1990684

@ Anon 1
The personalities of the protagonists, aside from Persona 2 dualology, is entirely dependent on the player. 3 does punish you for being a player by breaking the SL for all the girls involved when(Always happen no matter how much you prepare or try to avoid it) you do get caught. Not everyone want to go the pimp route.

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Anonymous commented at 2016-08-26 01:45:15 » #2009470

Anon2, technically if you don't have multiple girls around level 7-8 at the same time and bring them up to 10 one by one, there's no consequence, above all because the romantic relationships are forced on you in P3 instead of letting you choose like P4. Otherwise it wouldn't make sense, I mean, completing every Social Link gives you Orpheus Telos, basically Orpheus Super Saiyan

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