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BlackErotica12 commented at 2016-08-04 11:38:59 » #1998011

This is the hardest stitch that I had to make, ever.

(For those who don't know what a "stitch" is... when there's a shot that's bigger than what the screen can fit, so the camera pans over it – so you take frames that show different parts of the shot and "stitch" them together).
For this one, not only I had to combine three camera views (usually it's two), the animations of the molesting top tentacles and the milking bottom tentacles were going at different frame rates, so I had to invent a way to make them go simultaneously without breaking the loop.


(I guess it is for me, I wanted to make a stitch of this animation for a looong time, personally I consider it the hottest moment in the whole episode and it only lasts a couple of seconds and the camera panning is kinda awkward)
(Ugh, now I found out there's a BluRay version?! I wish I had used that ._.)

27 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-08-05 21:46:37 » #1998805

Well, thanks for the effort!

6 Points Flag