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Anonymous commented at 2016-09-01 00:31:48 » #2012379

Well, lets tally it up, Vegeta. Goku and friends pummeled you into a retreat. You actually got the dragon balls, only to fail in making a wish - when even Oolong got panties once. Frieza made you cry and then killed you. Goku hit SSJ before you and beat the alien that made you his bitch. Your son hoped back through multi-verse time stuffs (as a SSJ no less), to finish off Frieza in your place. You achieved Super Saiyajin at long last, even beating the enemy that was dropping Goku - but only because Son was having heart troubles and his opponent was a beefed up Chaotzu-looking sub-villain. Besides, you got your shit handed to you by Krillin's future wife like, what, thirty minutes later? So that.

Then you ascended, kinda. You had your big shot. Cell. Even if he powers up, it'd be no big deal, right? I mean, Frieza did it to Goku and he got a pass, so you should be... nope. Knocked the Super out of you, had to be carried off by Krillin, and your son got put on the bench.

A bit more training and you managed to live long enough in the ensuing battle with Perfect Cell just enough to see your son get a hole in his chest and your biggest rival brush past you like you weren't even a hurdle worth considering. A few choice shots with the rest of the B-team, sure... but... meh. Scratches on a cat post.

Seven years, man. Seven. Even for a saiyajin, that's some time to wait. But it happened. Goku came back! And to fight! And all you have to do... is not screw this up. Gohan's playing dress up these days, and sure SSJ began its long road to becoming a fucking joke well past its prime, but the pride lives on! Right?! I mean... not enough to keep from letting a bugman tinker with your brain a bit, but the pride! So, one poorly placed temporary tramp stamp later, a bit of chaos and... you're actually one-upping Goku! Except... he's trolling you hard.

Fuck the Buu-titles. They're all Buu. And they all treat you like lint between crusty toes. One of them sat on you, in front of your son. The kids had to save you, man... And then you went and blew yourself... for nothing. I mean... it did... really... nothing. It sure looked awesome though, am I right?! Right?

So you come back, find out Goku's still stronger, and you have to fuse. That's your reward. You get to make Goku even better. And it works. You get a taste of being the top dog on a top tier foe, just so long as Goku is a part of the show. Then that ends, the big fight goes down, and on some friggin' world of the (gods) you get stomped while Hercule and Goku save the... world? Galaxy? Universe? They save stuff.

You get to watch.

GT happens. Then un-happens. Mixed feelings though, because Super. A god appears and slaps your wife, and you do some flashy stuff over it that looks great but means little. Goku is praised, you're... there, I guess. You get some training out of it, a sweet consolation. You achieve a new mode. Frieza returns. And he actually beats you with the same sort of shit he somehow screwed up the first time on Namek. Then Whis fixes it and Goku steals your thunder, but you saved his life earlier so... tie?

That leaves the tournament. You know, where you were really putting in work, only to have Hit give you the Guldo treatment? This is actually probably the best you've ever been in series, in terms of victories and longevity. But it ended how it ended, and at least Goku didn't make you look like a complete loser this time around.

Of course... Goku's got a fucking clone-thing-man-god-person and he loves himself some hot pink hair muthafucker! And it's your turn. You've been working hard. Goku already got to show his skill. Now it's your shot. You couldn't handle Beerus for more than a burst, but this time... this time...


Lie still, champ. Lie still. Because I still believe in you. Your time will come... And I'll be watching.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-01 01:59:01 » #2012405

You know things are bad when Vegeta's losses are starting to reach Krillin/Yamcha levels of ownage.

Soon, we're gonna have a Vegeta Owned Count by the rate things are going.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-01 02:07:06 » #2012406

Basically if you're not Goku then GTFO.

3 Points Flag
MyPitah commented at 2016-09-10 08:45:39 » #2017166

Then again, it's part of Vegeta's M.O. : when you see a legit badass, you start telling yourself "now THAT's gonna hurt", on the other hand when you see Vegeta you start telling yourself "now HE's gonna hurt". Vegeta's all about sufering extreme humiliating defeats despite his incredible power, and never giving up in spite of that.

That's probably why he's the only Uni7 sayajin beside Goku to achieve the SSJ Blue form and keep up with Goku's ever growing power, where the next generation has basically given up the idea of keeping up with their fathers, instead just competing among themselves, if at all. The alternate timeline where Future Trunks comes from is a different story as Trunks there simply has nobody to rival him unless there's an actual threat to give him trouble (and unlike pure blooded sayajins like Goku and Vegeta, he's not single minded into fighting, despite still having his sayajin pride intact)

1 Points Flag
BaconMinion commented at 2016-09-10 09:10:21 » #2017187

Vegeta's drive to become stronger in spite of defeat is all well and good... but at the end of the day, you need to give the guy a solid victory every now and again against a worthwhile foe to make it all worth the effort.

When was the last time Vegeta got such a win? Android 19. He had fought long and hard to achieve the legend and when he finally did, he proved he was the top fucking dog by single handedly nuking the fuck out of a significant threat and then went about trying to take out the other. After that, 18 broke him easily. With Cell he had the upper hand and would have won... if Cell had not pushed his buttons and then savaged him.

Since then, nothing; his grand gesture against Buu was worthless, he could only stand there while Goku fought Kid Buu, Beerus was beyond him, he had the kill against Frieza stolen. Yeah, he won in the tournament... against a cheating shit not Frieza, a robot who lost 'cause his feelings were hurt and a newly transformed Super Saiyan. When the real shit came, he lost instantly.

Vegeta has all of this amazing power and drive which gets him nowhere. When push comes to shove he goes down like a bitch. He exists simply to give Goku somebody to spar with who is near his level. Being a Vegeta fan is suffering.

Not as suffering as being a Gohan or Piccolo fan, that is.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-10 09:19:14 » #2017196

Make a forum, you guys. These walls of text are ridiculous.

1 Points Flag