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bluefall commented at 2016-09-21 09:00:05 » #2022951

So, after a bunch of searching, I found this image on a wiki for a Japanese mobile game called Himeo and the Last of the Knights (or similar, using google translator so accuracy isn't 100% reliable). Seems like she's from some kind of special event earlier in 2016 (source: matomedia-press.com/archives/23033). Translations says her name is Luna or possibly Occult Luna but I think that might just be referring to her class or some game terminology.

The main page of said game has a list of names for the illustrators but they aren't linked directly to a specific artist's page. Searching the names brought up a few twitters and pixiv accounts but some of those artist nicknames bring up multiple twitter accounts and I can't find art that specifically matches the style of this picture. Check for yourself if you want (www.himeo.gamepot.co.jp/).

So either her artist is listed on the link above and I can't find the artist's site/pixiv/etc or this image was done by a separate artist brought on to do art for the special event in game.

If I could read Chinese or Japanese I could probably find out more, but that's the best I could do. I'm not skilled enough to do more than skim the surface of the Japanese web with the help of online translators. You'll need someone who knows the language to dig up this artist's identity.

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bluefall commented at 2016-09-21 09:13:11 » #2022955

Oops, spoke too soon. Dig a bit more with image searches and dug up another page with event info that confirmed what I said above, but this one listed the artist's name as Gている which translate is..uh, translating, as "it is G" or just plain "G" respectively.

Unfortunately that was one of the artists listed on the game's main page who I couldn't find a site for. Searching Gている pixiv brought up some profiles with G in their name and one who's user name was just G but I can't find this in their feed and the art posted doesn't match the styles I'm seeing.

So I've ID'd the artist somewhat, but I still don't have a site for you. That's probably my limit, I'm afraid.

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