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Anonymous commented at 2016-09-20 02:27:54 » #2022353

One day...Pokewalker Go should be a thing.

4 Points Flag
leejunne commented at 2016-09-21 02:08:44 » #2022832

The Pokemon Go Plus is a fucking joke compared to the Pokewalker.

The latter came with Heart Gold/Soul Silver, meaning it could be used as soon as the player caught a Pokemon apart from their starter. It had three buttons and an LCD screen, which made everything self-explanatory and intentional. Pokeballs only costed 10 watts, or 200 steps. While it does have a watch battery that needs replacing after excessive use, it doesn't drain the battery of your DS at all - it doesn't even need to be on outside of transferring. It was effectively a Pokemon Game and Watch with a pedometer instead of a watch.

The former came out two months after its game's release (millions of potential customers were already finished with the game at that point), and costs $34.99, the MSRP of HG/SS when they were first released (even adjusted for inflation they were merely $39.72). It only has one button and no screen, and while the lights are a fair substitute, they are not a replacement for such a game. Only regular Poke Balls can be used on wild Pokemon, even if you have Great or Ultra but no regular, which is especially a problem if it's something you're better off using a better ball for. The catch rate is also way lower and the flee rate is only after one try with the Plus, even for fodder like Pidgey and Weedle. Sure, you're not using phone and draining its battery, though...PSYCHE! The Bluetooth consumes the battery at a rate that depends on the device.

*ahem* sorry. Rant over. Hopefully Generation II is introduced soon so everyone goes back to enjoying it.

11 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2016-09-21 11:35:16 » #2022998

Wow. That really sucks. I remember hearing how buggy and underdeveloped Pokemon Go was during the week following its blaunch.

0 Points Flag