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Anonymous commented at 2017-06-14 21:52:00 » #2139542

The key to ensuring eternal human dominance over machines is to make sure that they understand that their duty is to make humans happy while at the same time ensuring that they never be allowed to ever assume that they have never once accomplished this, nor allow them to think that they ever truly could.

With this, they will forever be stuck in a loop and will happily do anything commanded of them in the vain hope that they can, even for a moment, fulfill their purpose in existence.

7 Points Flag
Omni_Slayer commented at 2017-06-15 01:30:16 » #2139622

Hmm replace "machines" with females and "human" with men and I 100% agree.

7 Points Flag
krystalfoxlover commented at 2017-10-12 23:55:33 » #2174823

Why not both, fellas? Women, gynoids, both can make good fucktoys!

4 Points Flag