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Anonymous commented at 2017-05-17 21:47:12 » #2129722

Namor's such a strange character to have on this pic lol. What's he even shown up in recently anyways?

2 Points Flag
bobojojohohokoko commented at 2021-02-18 21:55:27 » #2593388

I believe Namor showed up in a few episodes of a recent Spider-Man cartoon, and was in one of Marvels recent Anime movies, but to my knowledge those were both Japan only. I also think he showed up in the comics recently, something to do with Namorita or something, I'm not really sure, so take it with a grain of salt. But, basically, Marvel hasn't forgotten Namor. Also, he was planned to be in the Fantastic Four Netflix series, but we all know how that went...

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