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Anonymous commented at 2017-02-05 20:33:04 » #2092547

With less than a month to go until this game is out, I would have expected swathes more fanart by now.

Are Japanese artists just not keen on Breath of the Wild?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-05 21:27:59 » #2092567

Umm no anon Zelda was never popular in Japan to begin with

3 Points Flag
Heikitsune45 commented at 2017-02-05 22:47:29 » #2092594

Yeah. Oddly enough, Zelda isn't that popular in it's native country. It wasn't even until Hyrule warriors that this site started to get more hentai of it. And Twilight Princess got this site more normal fan art form Japan too.

In terms of popular games in Japan it's Dragon quest, pokemon, monster hunter and something else but can't remember.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-06 02:40:23 » #2092651

So wait. We're living in a backwards world where the most Japanocentric company is making a massive open world game specifically with western influences?

2 Points Flag
Heikitsune45 commented at 2017-02-06 19:55:57 » #2093018

It's more of the fact that Zelda doesn’t have many Japanese cultural ideas. I can only think of the sheikah being ninjas and ketons are ninetales foxes. That's about all the Japanese nods I can remember. And the Triforce being the symbol of the Hojo clan, but that's more of a theory.

Pokemon has a fuck ton of Japanese mythos and nods. Hell, Lunratis is wearing a yukata. And Jinx is based on the Japanese snow woman.

Monster hunter is a portable tittle, and portable kind of rules in japan, and has a few Japanese nods too. Dragon quest is the opposite of Zelda. Popular in japan, but not so much in the west. I think that's because of Akira Toryima art style. It's very iconic and along with their deep stories make them very popular in japan.

But I think Breath of the Wild will connect more with the Japanese audience. When someone asks me what type of Zelda I would like, I always say Jrpg. Not for the gameplay, although it would cool to see Zelda swing a massive sowrd around, but more for story. Not to say Zelda doesn’t have a plot, but compared to popular Jrpgs, or even Japanese action games, the story is just not good enough to engage the average Japanese gamer.

The characters in Zelda don’t have much of an entertaining arc. They have arcs and fun characters sure, but how much did Link react when Zelda gave her life force to Midna? Did Zelda change much throughout her transformation as Sheik? Compared to Jrpgs, the Zelda characters don’t have much depth to them. We haven’t seen Link show much emotion compared to guys like Cloud, Sora, Shulk, and others.
While we fans see all these characters having so much depth, we all have to sit down and think about it for a moment. Like how the hero’s shade is the Twilight Link’s ancestor, or the fact that Majors mask hints at Navi’s death. While we die-hard fans will see these great story beats, the average joe won’t notice because it’s not as heavy handed as Cloud going into a coma for finding out his past, or deep characters of the persona games. It’s not bad, but that’s not something the major Japanese gaming community likes.

Which is why I think Breath of the wild will capture that group. We have never seen such emotion form Zelda herself, or such a mysterious plot. This game may just capture the japan and give the Zelda series an even bigger worldwide appeal. Either way, I am really excited for this game and hope it does well.

3 Points Flag
Demonluca commented at 2017-02-06 22:57:59 » #2093083

That happens all the time dude.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-12 18:52:01 » #2095871

Another game to note that isn't popular in Japan but is loved in the Western countries is Earthbound (or the Mother series).

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-02-12 19:37:41 » #2095903

There's also that one dungeon in the original that the layout looks like a Buddhists symbol. Which many people mistook for a swastika, funny enough.

But yeah, Japan hasn't ever truly been a fan of Zelda, while the West has.

Similar situation to Metroid, funny enough.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-03-16 02:17:51 » #2109509

It's the same with the Castlevania series which is also not very popular in japan either.

0 Points Flag