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Anonymous commented at 2019-09-14 17:01:57 » #2434789

Sombra: I can't believe that jerk stood me up. That's the last time I try online dating.
D.V: Hi.
Sombra: Hi.
D.Va: You waiting for someone?
Sombra: I was. But that was an hour and a half ago. Now I'm thinking I'm just gonna have to spend the rest of my night alone trying to find the bottom of this bottle. What about you?
D.Va: A... girl I like rejected me.
Sombra: Her loss.
D.Va: (attempting to hide her blush) Y-you mean it?
Sombra: 'course I do, chica. Anyone would be crazy to not want to be with you.
D.Va: Um... do you want to get out of here?
Sombra: I thought you'd never ask. Yo, camarero. If that deadbeat decides to show up, tell him I better not see his face again or I'll kill him. (to D.Va) Men are the worst.

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PuzzlePieces commented at 2021-05-09 01:25:38 » #2611666

Wow. That's how powerful people ship characters eh? You see a random pic of a solo character and then bam! your fantasy is fulfilled in your mind? Jeez.

2 Points Flag