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Anonymous commented at 2017-12-13 11:06:48 » #2192365

God, some of these translations are just....
My kanji knowledge is still pretty lacking, and even I can tell that there are numerous mistakes here. What the hell even is "You know it very well inside Suiren"? It's Suiren herself that is saying she understands it.
From right to left, to the extent of what I can understand, here is a translation that actually fits the JP:
"Omanko ni tsuraremashita ne(heart)"
"My pussy was caught(heart)"

"__ na ___ de Omanko Hametai Kimochii...."
The feeling of penetrating my pussy with a ____-like ____...."

"Suiren ni wa Yo~ku Wakarimasu(heart)"
"Suiren understands ve~ry well(heart)"

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Anonymous commented at 2017-12-13 11:14:06 » #2192368

Oh, based on the other translation, maybe it's kekkou or rippa? A

立派 【rippa】 (adj-na,n) splendid, fine, handsome, elegant, imposing, prominent, legal, legitimate, (P)

Ah, it was. and fishing rod is Tsurizao.

釣竿 【Tsurizao】 (n) fishing rod

Also, I made a small mistake, hametai would be desire to penetrate, so....
Fixed TL:
"Rippa na Tsurizao
"the feeling of wanting to penetrate my pussy with your splendid fishing rod..."

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