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Anonymous commented at 2018-11-27 00:31:40 » #2306781

The absolute beauty and genius of Minus8.
This art is truly gorgeous, and looks NOTHING like their other works. Minus8 can make really good hentai/ecchi pictures that always vary in art quality, yet always manage to be good. But Even when doing a different art style, they manage to nail it JUST as hard. If you throw this picture and simg3.gelbooru.com//image...8d68b420e3359621acd4.jpeg, and simg3.gelbooru.com//image...9bd3078480c13d1fb4191.gif side by side, you wouldn't be able to tell they're made by the same person.

Minus8, wherever you are, and whoever you are: Bless you, a thousand times over. And may your glory shine on forever.

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