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Anonymous commented at 2018-09-26 01:52:13 » #2284965

Soo... We're all just gonna ignore everything going on here?
1. Rattata is is getting ready to dab.
2. Lyra is crushing Sentret's Skull.
3. May probably just pissed herself.
4. Dawn is... Actually Dawn and her Bidoof are fine...
5. Lyra had too much to drink, unless whatever is in her hands is not what I think it is...
6. Moon's Yungoose is out of control.
7. Moon's Yungoose is not named "Trump". (You can tell because he's chasing after a normal Rattata, and not an Alolan one. Same goes for girls, he's not chasing girls...
8. It looks like Hilda (BW) is poking a juice box into Rosa's eye (BW2). (...Even though I know its just a cell phone and Rosa just doing the > < eyes...
9. Moon's Yungoose is not names trump...
and finally 10. Me having to point out everything I didn't need to, wasting my time for typing this, you're for reading it. and all the keystrokes that lost their lives here today.

I'm out, PEACE!

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-02-05 04:34:46 » #2332807

Mei's expression is priceless, she doesnt want her selfie but Touko's taking it anyway.

0 Points Flag